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Arbroath Football Club
Save our Seas- Litter Champion Project 

ACE worked in partnership with Arbroath Football Club to change littering behaviours within Gayfield and as a consequence, prevent litter escaping from the stadium and into the sea. Although the project was brought to an abrupt halt in March 2020 due to the restrictions arising from the Covid 19 pandemic, evidence gathered over the period of a year suggests that the project went a long way towards achieving its desired aims and that there is learning for other Clubs across Scotland.

All interventions and outcomes are detailed in the attached report.

Arbroath Harbour Project

When local people raised concerns about litter in the harbour area of Arbroath in 2018 many people laid the blame firmly at the door of the Local Authority. There were calls for the Council 'to do something’ and get the area cleaned up. Whilst Angus Council certainly had a role to play,  ACE recognised that the Council were only part of the solution and that there were many stakeholders who needed to take ownership of the problem. The Arbroath Harbour project is a great example of what communities can achieve when they work in partnership with all stakeholders in an area to make a difference. Why not download a copy of the report. 

Litter Prevention Action Plans

A key way in which we can work to prevent litter in our communities  is to produce a Litter Prevention Action Plan (LPAP). Developing a LPAP involving all stakeholders helps to identify where the litter hot spots are and to identify ways of reducing litter in these locations.  Zero Waste Scotland and Keep Scotland Beautiful have lots of good ideas including tool kits and various resources for public use. Work is also going on in Angus to raise awareness amongst businesses and schools to do everything possible to reduce littering at source. 

Just imagine what a difference it would make if every school, every business, community group and organisation produced a litter prevention action plan. 

If you would like to develop a LPAP for your area you could use some  ideas from the LPAPS attached.  Also visit the Zero Waste Scotland web-site where you can obtain helpful advice and LPAP templates. Once complete you are able to upload your LPAP to the Zero Waste Scotland's portal  This portal allows organisations and groups to showcase the action we are taking to prevent litter and fly-tipping across Scotland.

Scotland's First International Marine Conference

Scotland held its first International Marine Conference in Glasgow in February 2019.  ACE and East Haven presented a poster abstract of the work undertaken locally to contribute to clean and healthy seas. Representatives from more than 10 nations met to share information and collaborate on ideas and interventions to save our seas from pollution and the impact of climate change. Inspiring speakers contributed to debate and discussion about issues from reducing litter at source to interventions to remove it and reuse it. Our seas provide around 70% of our oxygen and it really is a race against time to save the marine environment from catastrophic pollution of all types. It is generally agreed that around 80% of marine litter comes from land based sources such as street litter, agricultural and industrial sources. A number of initiatives are taking place across the world to educate people and reduce the amount of non-reusable waste being produced. There is now a real urgency at both a global level and a local level to act quickly to save the the seas and ultimately the planet for future generations.

A key outcome of the conference was that the British Irish Council agreed three key areas where they could collaborate further to ensure progress on this issue: establishing a system to facilitate the recycling of end of life fishing gear; co-operative working to further reduce the loss of pre-production plastics across the supply chain; and improving educational materials and modules on marine litter for young people and the fishing industry. Minsters also agreed to register these actions as a joint voluntary pledge in the UN Communities of Ocean Action registry of voluntary commitments for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14.

Community Enforcement Officers

In 2017 investigation by ACE found confusion amongst Local Authorities about whether Community Wardens were able to carry out parking enforcement duties at the same time as enforcing littering and dog fouling. We wrote to the Transport Minister Humza Yousaf  who confirmed that he was unable to identify any reason why roles shouldn't be consolidated enabling Parking Officers to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for littering whilst also wearing a parking officer uniform. 

Angus Council's Legal team have reviewed the legislation and concur with the Ministers view. This is an important achievement for ACE as it means that Local Authorities across Scotland can use their scare resources more efficiently and effectively. It also strengthens the enforcement arm of Scotland's Litter Strategy. 

Angus Council, Right Stuff, Right Bin Campaign

Angus Council have launched the Right stuff, Right bin campaign to help reduce the cost of items placed in the wrong bin. The Council are charged hundreds of thousands of pounds a year to remove contaminated items and this is money which could be better spent elsewhere. 

The Most Littered Item in Scotland

Bin your Butts Campaign

Cigarette Butts are the most littered item in Angus and across  Scotland as a whole. They contain plastic cellulose in the Butt and once in drains find their way to the sea. They are toxic to sea-life and take approx 12 years to biodegrade. 

Angus Council has installed some special 'Bin your Butts' bins in Arbroath but much more work needs to be done to educate the public. 

Not in my Name Campaign

Balloons don't go to heaven - so please don't let go!

When people are grieving they often feel a sense of relief by letting go of a balloon. Seeing the balloon soar up into the skies creates a feeling that they are connecting with the person who has died and perhaps sending a message of love  and remembrance. 

It's hard, but we really need to think through what we are doing.

Would the person who has died really want a balloon released in their name knowing that it might kill or cause harm to wildlife? 

It's one of those conversations that we all need to have. Whether it is the birth of a baby, a special birthday or somebody that has died there are some fantastic alternatives which really do allow us to honour the life of another person 

Angus Clean Environments: Proudly created with

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